Chapter 14

Priamos and stheno were now preparing to go back to Olympus in secret. Obviously there would probably be a bunch of guards watching every nook and cranny of that place so they had to move quickly.

They were currently back in earth and he was in front of his house contemplating wether he should go in or not. He was scared, he didn't know how his family would react, but he was planning on telling them ever.

He didn't want to keep secrets from them, it was like waiting for a bomb to blow up. He would tell them as soon as he got the chance but for now he'll hurt stand outside the door like an idiot.

Stheno was invisible right now so no one could see her, but she was thoroughly annoyed. "Just go inside already" she complained. He closed his and breathed in and out before opening them again. He lightly knocked on the door waiting.

The door swung open revealing his mother, of course he couldn't see cause of his blindfold. "Hi how may I help you" his heart broke when he heard her voice. She h
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