44. New Beginnings

As soon as the Ndebele had driven off the Matanda warriors, they returned singing loudly in their tongue.

The remaining Matanda villagers cowered in fear when they saw the Ndebele approach.

‘Do no harm to them,’ Brahmuhn told the Ndebele warriors. ‘These…these are my people.’ He fell onto the ground.

‘Tawana!’ Tsitsi raised his head up into her arms.

‘My chief!’ Cheetah also shouted in concern.

Leading the Ndebele warriors was Bhekumuzi, the chief of the village Brahmuhn had saved from the ntokolishi (goblins). He came and stood before Brahmuhn with the entire army behind him. He smiled. ‘I guess my debt is paid, Brahmuhn.’

From within the Ndebele army emerged Shumba and Tortoise.

Tortoise stepped forward. ‘My chief, word of how you liberated a lot of the Shona villages and the Ndebele villages in your journey spread like wildfire. You are now a hero among both the Shona and t
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