Chapter Fifteen

After finishing their dinner, Spider left the group and returned to the planning house. He found Jack sitting beside Helena, speaking in a hushed tone. Spider didn't say anything and instead went to his room to rest. The next morning, after everyone had settled in the planning room, Chaly stood up and said, "Good morning, everyone. As I mentioned yesterday, we have two plans: Plan 1 and No Man's Plan. Let's begin with Plan 1, also known as the Direct Plan."

Chaly brought up the bank's blueprint on the computer screen for everyone to see. "As you can see, there are two gates: one for the public and another for the staff. There are also two types of fences: an electric fence and a razor wire fence. However, the razor wire fence is only found at the staff gate."

The team listened attentively as Chaly continued to explain the plan in detail. They discussed the best way to bypass the security measures, how to distract the guards, and what to do if anything went wrong.

After several hours o
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