Chapter 11

"The NEXT IN-LINE TYCOON of the Xavier family is James Darius,” Mr. Xavier announced.

Alex bowed his head, he knew of the impending outcome but he still chose to fulfill his promise to Mr. Kim which was why he came in the first place.

Mr. Kim patted Alex on the back shaking his head in disbelief at what Mr. Xavier sprouted” if he was going to hand everything to the Darius, why then did he make me go search for his grandson and even made me announce to him about he the only heir? Why go through all this stress in visiting him and bringing him here why!” he said in his heart greatly displeased.

The Darius family's happiness knew no bounds, this was their expectation; their son would be the NEXT IN-LINE TYCOON.

Mrs. Darius covered her mouth as she whispered to her husband,

" look how pathetic that brat, Alex looks like".

They glanced at him and laughed mockingly at him, it wasn't left unnoticed by Mr. Xavier who just smiled quietly.

James was the happiest, he was not only happy because
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