SEVENTY - Liason

Everyone bowed before the commander. The kayaans, the fairies, the werewolves, the witches, the vampires, the angels and the gnomes were all faced down paying homage to the commander. Despite the lives lost, they bowed before her singing her praises and celebrating her leading them to victory.

The commander was standing next to the prince. Their hands were intertwined, both staring at each other. The people stood up cheering and dancing in victory while Nicholas engulfed her into a hug. He smiled when he got a whiff of her lavander scent. The scent had a mix of foul odour so he grimaced in disgust. The groaning coming from Lily made them pull out of the hug and etched on Lily's face was a wide smile.

Prince Nicholas skimmed the commander's body taking in the bruises on her skin. Some parts of her skin were swollen and she had a black eye. "Thank you." He breathed out, holding her hands.

Lily gave a smile and he added, "I should still come take the fighting lessons though." The both
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