Ricardo was pacing back and forth in his room, he was distraught.

Amelia his aunt, has been captured due to his stupidity.

"How could I be so stupid? I should have hid her farther away." He muttered as he paces and ruffles his hair in frustration.

He then decided to call Nick, just as he picked up his phone, a call came in.

"It's Nick, I wonder what he wants now, what do I do?" He mumbled.

Ricardo decided to pick up and Nick said,

"You did good but this isn't over until either you or I die."

"My thoughts exactly, you and I need to finish this bad blood between us, where is my aunt?" Ricardo retorted.

"You will have to meet me up in my abandoned crib, I am sure you know where it is." Nick stated.

"Don't you dare hurt her." Ricardo yelled.

"You should have thought of that before you exploited the body of the woman I love. Ricardo you best be on your way and prepare to leave this world." Nick said in rage and hung up.

Ricardo was very scared, this might be the day he stops breathing, but
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