The first stage (4)

In a separate space above the Earthcrust city , two figures that was shrouded with immortal energy stood in the void , their bodies invisible from mortal eyes.

"I never knew that your spirit immortal sect are so shameless to be bullying the weak ". Kayla narrowed her eyes which seemed to pierce through layers of space descending upon the area where the cloud pavilion was located.

The person who was standing beside her was a very young man with a handsome face and short curly black hair.

He wore green robes with golden stripes on it and a strange gourd was on his waist.

The young man who heard the words of Kayla rubbed his forehead slightly and then sighed gently.

"It is inevitable that bad eggs will appear in a basket full of good eggs ".

"Then, why don't you destroy the bad eggs ?". Kayla sneered with a disdainful expression on her face.

"Your highness , the stability of the basket full of eggs is stablized by both the good and bad ones . Rashly removing the bad ones might ca
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