028: The Departure
That's how Sasha ended up taking her dinner with my family.

"So how did you and my Theodore meet?" Mother asked as she showed an expression of curiosity on her face.

"Ahh, that day when I met him was quite heroic. He save me who was being chased down by a monster that has unbelievable strength!" She spoke as if she was born as a storyteller.

"Ohh? Just like a hero that saves a certain princess?" Mother became more interested in Sasha's words.

"Oi, don't exaggerate things." I whispered.

"I'm not exaggerating. When I was on the verge of being attacked by that monster, your son, Theodore had already killed it with just a single strike just like a piece of cake!" And Sasha's exaggerated story continued.

"But it was really exaggerated; even though I killed it with a single strike, I still suffered from shock, and I didn't save you at all! You were already so fast that the mutated boar couldn't keep up with you, which is why its attention was drawn to me," I mumbled to myself as I reca
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