Chapter 14 Edgar needed sunlight for survival

First POV

I was satisfied to live with my wife, though the current habitat would be physically ugly unlike the flat earth. Should I continue seeking my powerful angel? But I couldn't fight the demons who were roughly singing above the crust.

I haunted with the sun which dependently clutched the sky, my life literally awesome together with the celestial object. Unfortunately, the six dead, Edgar, and Miguel were not happily living in my hands. How do I wish to meet with them again?

I looked down at the earth but I have not seen the reflection of the sunlight. I turned my eyes into a flashlight and I noticed; many demons who were guarding the earth, not only that a huge hand covered the west and south where the sunlight would deep in.

Once I looked at my wife, too dark I could see to her heart, not only that but also the soil which reflected how dark the earth was! Will the white angel come back again?

My hubby finally got well after the black bird healed him. However, almost all of the
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