Chapter Sixty-six

It was a bright sunny afternoon when they arrived at the woman's place. Detective Daniel could vividly remember the exact spot she always sat down. That was the same spot they had both sat to discuss whenever he came to meet her back then. He moved close to the door and knocked on it the first time. No answer came. He wasn't sure there was anyone in the house. Dave was standing by his side. He looked around to see if he would see anyone whom he could ask. There was no one around. He turned back and walked down the little stairs. Dave was still standing there. Detective Daniel walked to the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the house. He also went to check the backside but there was no one there. He walked back to the door and knocked again, this time around twice and loudly. No answer came.

The last time he came was about ten years ago and was not sure if the woman still lived there or if she was still alive. He could not tell. He doesn't have her contact and was not sure an
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