A Side White Soul
“You know that the phrase that always comes out of your mouth is actually a very useless thing, you should understand that I am here standing even stronger than you! That brainless devil figure will indeed always exist in this world!”

"Shut up, you have no right to say that to me! I am one of the great beings who until now will rule over the entire area, and I am Brogu who became one of the powerful demons created by the Demon God...”

Gladio narrowed his eyes.

Brogu opened his mouth very wide, then an attack in the form of a high-speed ball of energy shot out.


As fast as Alicia dodged this attack, the explosion took her by surprise.

"You can't run away from me, now feel the death that you have to accept..."

Brogu releases a series of high-speed energy balls, with this high-speed applying enough pressure to cause difficulties.

“I can't believe that this is able to give away the fact that her strength is indeed that great…”

Anxiety and doubt are certainly agitating inside
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