Richard is bit

“Did you inject that thing?” Mark could not keep his curiosity to himself. That’s what I admire about Mark. He never shut his mouth when he feel dissatisfied or something disturbing him. That was something everyone was thinking

“ No. Richard stopped me” He said looking at the injured Richard in gratefulness

“ You knew it would turn people? Then why did you still take it out?” Oliver asked though I had doubt and questions on my mind as well.

“ I dint know there would attack me to take it. It wasn’t finished but with it, we could solve the weakness and come with the right virus. It was incomplete.” Richard explained standing. He exclaimed holding his leg which I found weird.

“ Are you okay?” I asked him in a low tone. He nodded but there definitely something wrong with him. The others walked ahead with Andrew to barricade the doors and the windows. Wherever there was a weakness and a possible attack point.

I helped Richard go to the room and requested for Mrs. Kibali to open. I took him
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