Twenty Four

Chapter 24

(Forest Truths)


Elena pov.

The air was cold against my skin and I pulled my coat closer around myself, trying to shield myself from the cold.

It was icy, the wind that cut through the trees, and made its way down to the very core of my being. I wondered, for a fleeting moment, I should have simply stayed inside.

Maybe, if I had stayed put, I wouldn't be freezing right now. I wasn't thinking straight when I ran out of the room, but my head was a mess.

Then again, it was still all twisted up now, the anxiety within me making itself known. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

The warmth that I was used to was nothing more than a distant memory now. I didn't know what I was doing out here.

There was nowhere for me to go. Nowhere for me to hide. I couldn't run and I didn't even know if I truly wanted to run. All I knew was that there was a knot in my chest.

All I knew was that there was an ache inside of me, an insistence that I do something, anything at all before I w
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