Chapter 34 - Inside the city

Everyone stared at Ali with shock. How is he still joking around? But Ali continued to act as if nothing significant had occurred.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you staring at me as if I were a ghost? Our village is close to the country of the fairies, and we've heard from passing demons. Is there nothing else to say? What? Do you believe we're fairies? Look at our appearance before passing judgement."

They became convinced after seeing Ali's appearance. By look, he is obviously a demon. He is not a fairy in any manner.

What Ali and his pals didn't realise was that they were viewed as riches rather than foes.

"Please accept my sincere apologies. It's simply that my staff are particularly sensitive to the subject today. "

Carlo swiftly shifted the subject.

Ali also became more at ease.

Finally, Angela took a breath. She was too concerned. If their mission fails due to her actions, she will not be able to forgive herself. She gave Ali a grateful glance.

Ali gave her a grin and pa
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