Author's Note 2.

In the previous post, we talked about what was and what is, so in this part we will be diving into what will be.

Grover seemed to believe she was responsible because she went with them but what he didn't know was that she wasn't the only one there.

Lucas's parents left the mansion with Blanche but they stopped to pick up her husband, Milo on the way. Another surprise guest they had was none other than Mr William's best friend, Festus Augustine.

So instead of one prime suspect, he had three, and they all had separate motives to harm the couple.

Milo's and Festus' motives were very similar, it was obvious that both men were after the wealth of James williams.

Blanche on the other hand wouldn't have wished him death, according to Grover, she was very much in love with James at the time so she couldn't have wished him death. But, she had a motive to kill his wife instead.

Diving further, he noticed something that seemed to catch his attention. She was a suspect for murder but the allega
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