Chapter twenty
"The guests are leaving." Raina pointed out.

Marco looked around and saw just a few people standing and they looked bored.

Marco almost let out a laugh, they looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here. Ungrateful sons of bitches.

"yeah, the party's over."

Marco took a look at Raina and said out loud for everyone to hear.

"it's time to go!" he yelled.

The guests looked relieved, they threw the cups on the floor and headed out making Raina more vexed.

"Hey, throw those in the trash!" she yelled.

They ignored her and left the house. "Ungrateful bastards," she muttered under her breath.

Marco simply laughed, his eyes never left hers. He thought she looked so adorable grumbling to herself.

"Don't worry, I will help you clean up." He offered.

Raina gave him a smile of gratitude. "thank you."

Raina and Marco walked around the house, armed with trash bags and cleaning supplies, as they began to clean up the mess left behind by the party that had ended just a few hours ago.

The last of th
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