Ch 19 - Exploring The Cave

The message ended....

'*sigh*How much more did he forget to tell me. He didn't even explain about the sea of consciousness properly. Not only that but all the explanations that he gave me are so vague. He doesn't know to teach properly, I will just have to rely on my knowledge.

Leaving that aside, I am feeling the same sensation that he described on how absorbing Mana would feel like.' he finally came to a realisation 'Wait, no way, am I already absorbing Mana. It all makes sense now, my heightened senses, warm soothing feeling. But he told me that I will be able to absorb Mana after two days of meditation. *Chuckles* Guess I am a prodigy. I should have already realised that, I am such an idiot.' he sighed at his own stupidity.

After a while he stopped blaming himself for being so stupid and started reviewing the information Gaines gave him.

'Multiverse stage, is it just a name or will you really be powerful enough to do stuff in the multiverse.' he thought in his mind

'And also,
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