Benjamin goes missing

After the initial shock of them being Beginner Mages with the rare elements of Lightning, Blessing and Light, the trio were being treated hospitably by the Village head and his wife. Of course, the women who spotted them earlier on came to check on them to see if they were alright.

Memphis and Ralph willingly helped out Hector by accompanying him and other men in the village to the small wood to gather sticks and twigs as firewood for the household.

They were used by the part time maid who came regularly in the mornings and noon to prepare food. Whenever the chief took Memphis and Ralph there, he and the other men entered the nearby woods as he was confident that the two could at least defend themselves with magic. Besides, the village was not far off and the boys could reach there in no time.

Due to this, Memphis and Ralph had long gotten the pieces of wood needed. Memphis was carrying the load with his space element due to no one being around. The other kids would come later but f
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