
“What do you mean I can’t go with him?”

“We appreciate you bringing him in, sir, but you’re an elf.” The doctor looked down his nose at Wimer Aslix. It took all of his self-control not to throw the doctor across the room.

“He’s my friend.”

“A wolf would not be friends with an elf. Please wait outside, if you must.”

“This is bullshit,” Wimer Aslix snapped and turned around.

He left the emergency room and went outside. He needed comfort and he needed … something. He touched the mental link to Bosy.

We’ll be there soon.

They won’t let me in to see him. They … they won’t …

It’s okay, darling. We’ll be there soon.

I’m a fucking elf so they won’t let me in to see him. I—

Ciel Karhillaz has already called Lee Sooman, and he’s throwing a fit. Just … I’ll be there in five minutes, okay?


Wimer Aslix did not cut the connection, but paced outside of the hospital until the others showed up. The van pulled to a stop and Alta was the first one out of the doors, furious beyond furious. He was a
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