Chapter 21
After the battle, the group made their way back to the town. As they walked, they were silent, each lost in their own thoughts. They had won the battle, but at a great cost. Many of their friends and comrades had fallen, and the damage to the town was extensive.

As they approached the town, they could see that the cleanup effort was already underway. People were working to clear the rubble and repair the damage. The group split up, each going to help in whatever way they could. Some helped to clear debris, while others worked to heal the wounded.

Days turned into weeks, and the town slowly began to recover. The group remained, working tirelessly to help in any way they could. As they worked, they grew closer, their bonds of friendship strengthened by the trials they had faced together.

Eventually, the town was rebuilt, and life returned to some semblance of normalcy. The group, however, knew that they could never go back to the way things were before. They had been changed by their
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