Now, a Steward

Carter couldn't afford to delay his master's business because of these pesky bugs. Unconsciously, Carter hastened his steps

After a few cross roads and hard turns into the alley, shutting across paths and small routes, Carter managed to shake off those who were following him but there was one who had clung to him with utmost perseverance.

Carter knew he wouldn't be able to dodge this stalker's sight if he kept walking like this. He hastened his steps and cut some corners but the stalker doesn't let him off his or her eyes. Carter made more attempts to shake off the stalker but he failed to stop.

He already tried his best not to kill today, he gave the stalker a chance by running away but since the stalker doesn't stop, he is not going to hold back either. As Carter stopped, green goo started emanating from his body, the green goo is so faint that it is almost invisible.

"Hey, I heard you were gathering information about The Deceiver, I know some things about the person. I can share i
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