The Hybrid's Tactics
The Hybrid's Tactics
Author: 2567
The Dungeon Appears

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it said 8pm. The sky was as dark as it could be and a cold breeze blew. I felt sleepy, I tried to restrain myself but it is like I have used sleeping pills, I leaned against the headboard of a mahogany bed. I tried to keep myself awake by reading one of my interesting novels, my eyes were zoomed on the book in my hand. It was an old edition of my favorite young adult novel. With one hand clasped around the coffee mug, I turned the page with my free hand. I felt a sharp pain in my eyes which made me close them instantly. I dropped the coffee on a stool beside the bed and I squeezed my eyes with my hand.

I took my hands off my eyes and blink a few times before opening my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, everything changed.

I saw myself not in my room but in another place

I looked at my surroundings and I was scared of what I saw.

Few meters away from where I am, there is a blue orb. The orb is the only source of light in this place as it shed its dim blue light everywhere.

Scared, I jeered up from the lying position in which I was, I stood on my feet and looked around but everything seemed blurry. I took a step forward but I staggered and fell. Although the sharp pain from my eyes was gone, I still couldn't see clearly. I squeezed my eyes again and opened them, everything before me was clear.

I stood up and looked around, my legs were shaking, even my breath was shaking as I breathed heavily, the rate of the speed at which my heart beat increased , I couldn't take another step forward cause I knew I would fall again.

My bed, my book, everything in my room were absent, all I could see except for the blue light was an empty floor, the floor was not made of concrete or tiles or anything modern, although the darkness in the room covered everything, I could still make out from the light the blue orb shed that it was gold.

I don't know how this place is.

The part that scared me was the walls. The walls were also made of gold but there were lots of vines on it. The vines seemed like they were moving, they were black in color and the blackness of their body already stained the gold wall. That should be because they have spent a long time on the wall.

The vines are also on the floor but there are not many of them and there is enough space for me to move freely.

All the vines in the room led to the orb that shed light. I turned around and saw that everything in the room was the same.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, I should not be afraid, no matter what this place is, I must find my way out of it.

Although my hands were shaking, I touched one of the vines , the vine gave a sizzling sound as it wriggled like an earthworm.

I instantly took my hands off it and my heart jumped as it was beating faster. The only sound I can hear in this place is my own breathe so I so I started breathing slowly in hope that I wouldn't be noticed by anyone else who might be on this room but I am wrong

"Welcome dungeon master"

A feminine voice sounded from behind. The voice was sweet and pleasant but since it was heard in a place like this…


That was the first thing that came to my mind. And did I just hear her call me dungeon master?

I furrowed my brows and turned back, I saw a lady. She had long white hair that covered her round face which had a broad smile on it. She was wearing nothing, just a robe that covered her breast and a mini skirt to cover her waist.

My heart was beating faster when she cast her lustful gaze on me, it wasn't because I was scared, this lady is damn pretty, or should I say hot.

I stared at her at a loss of words, but then, I returned to my right senses, I am human, why will she call me dungeon master?

"If the dungeon master has any questions, you can ask me" the voice sounded again, it was like the sound of the voice was bringing out my lustful desires. I tried my best to overcome the temptation and I asked her

"Who are you and where am I?"

"you are in the dungeon stationed in Golg" she replied without moving from where she was

"the dungeon in Golg?"' I said, recalling everything that happened on Earth.

10 years ago an inter dimensional crack opened in Song Dynasty; one of the strongest nations exposing Earth to all external dangers and evils from aliens. Through the crack, devil's entered Earth and massacred a whole city. The government through the use of martial arts practitioners defeated the devils and closed the crack with sorcery. Before the crack was closed, the devils already set up a gate; the gate of blood. The gates connect the human world to the devil world. The government stationed soldiers to watch the gate and report any abnormalities.

5 years after this incident humans started having powers, becoming supernatural. Not all of them, just a few of them. The process of human getting power is called baptism and humans that got baptized are called super humans. The super humans need to cultivate to get stronger so within a year of baptism, guilds and sects started coming up. After three years there are three strongest guilds; the guild of heaven deities, Guild of the abyss, and The Underworld. There are other guilds all around the world. These guilds almost take over their country's government because no one dares oppose them but before that happened, the gate of blood was breached overnight two years ago.

69 dungeons appeared on Earth but monsters can not be counted. Only super humans can have a chance against the devils and monsters. After a few months, the monsters were defeated. When the guilds thought it was all over, dungeons got into action. The dungeon masters started leading monsters to defeat cities. The monsters with their dungeon masters are invincible, not even superhumans can defeat them. Super humans died on a daily basis but the rate at which humans got baptized also increased. The superhumans noticed that the monsters pack comes from the dungeons so they started attacking monsters inside the dungeon, they thought it will be unaware for both the dungeon master and the monsters.This was when the superhumans realized that when they kill a monster in the dungeon they will be rewarded with "dark gold coins" which they can use to level up their skills. When the super humans learnt this, they migrated to countries where dungeons are stationed and started attacking the dungeons. Many died and those that didn't get rewarded.

My mother is also a superhuman but she migrated to another nation called Gold where there is no dungeon to avoid monsters and devils. Not that my mother is a coward but she was a victim of the first devil invasion ten years ago. She got married to a man after the first devil invasion, they had me but then she somehow knew that my father is a devil who escaped being killed.

Yes, I am nine years old but I am also a super human. My powers boosted my growth, physique and maturity so much that if you see me, you'll think I am fifteen. A few months ago, a dungeon master led his monsters to Golg. The few super humans that remained in Golg fought the monsters back, many died and I was mortally wounded. I died, but somehow re-incarnated. I recuperated from my wounds and just last night at 8pm, I saw myself in this place called "the dungeon in Golg"

"there is no dungeon in Golg"

At least I remembered that so I refuted the lady before me.

"There are 69 dungeons on Earth each mastered by a devil. You were reborn a few months ago when you died and reincarnated. Then, the devil in you was awoken. For every devil on Earth there must be a dungeon so this dungeon appeared for your cause" The lady explained in a flirtatious manner. Neglecting her flirting movements, I replied

"I am a superhuman, I kill monsters not raise them like dungeon masters do"

All traces of smile vanished from the lady's face and she replied harshly "Accept who you are dungeon master, you are an hybrid of human and devil"

"You are crazy, I am human, not anything else" without being scared, I replied with a stern voice.

The lady put the smile back on her face and asked

"Will you meet the devil overlord to explain this system to you?"

I didn't reply but she continued speaking

"You can meet the devil overlord only once in a lifetime unless the devil overlord visit you himself, I'll will take your silence as yes"

The lady walked up to me, I was harmless, I was too scared to move when she got to me, she took me to the orb. I looked at the orb suspiciously, it looked like the orb was inside a hole since it was only half of the orb that I could see.

I have seen things like this before, back on earth, people call them cracks that led to another world. I doubted it but the lady's words confirmed my suspicion

"You will enter through the crack and get to the devil world on the other side. This is the crack that connects your dungeon to the devil world" the lady clarified

"no, no, I'm not..."

I tried refusing but she interrupted me

"it is your responsibility as a devil"

She pushed me inside the crack and went lying on the wall beside the crack, protecting it.

Inside the crack I saw dangerous things like continuous striking of thunder, immediate erupting of fire, hailstorms, etc. I have to endure the pain and by the time I am out of the crack, I am already wounded. In the devil world, all I saw is a desolate land with buildings that have strong fortresses and are heavily guarded by devils. I think fighting goes on a daily basis here.

The devils here are much different from the ones on Earth. The devils on Earth resemble humans but these ones are the real devil; magma covering all their body, big muscles, fire, large wings and some of them have horns. Someone who seems to be the only one in human form appeared and walked up to me. I am scared out of wits visibly shaking

Are you Levin?" The man asked

Then I thought "why am I afraid, I am a super human and killing monsters and devils is my task". I brushed up and gave him a hostile look but that only made him laugh

"I am the devil overlord, god of the apocalypse"

I stared at the man at a loss of words. No human had ever seen a god with their own eyes but I have heard the name "god of the apocalypse" it is the name the devils on Earth usually praise whenever they kill and destroy a city.

"Levin. Levin Walker. I am here to give you a chance. The only chance for you to become the devil king"

"you are crazy" I replied sternly "I am human not a devil"

The man ignored my reaction and continued with what he had to say

"Now, you must become a player in the system I have created to destroy the human world. Destroy more lands, massacre more people, if you do well you will become the devil king. The throne of the most powerful in the devil world can be yours"

The Devil's King, I wasn't interested in the god's story but this word captured my attention, it seems attractive. A part of me started cheering happy to here the chance given to me while the other part was sad, can't bear all I am going to do if I accept the offer

"I am not a devil, how can I be their king"

"you are an hybrid but it doesn't matter, compete with other devils and kill humans, if you win you will be their king"

"I can't kill humans, I'm supposed to save them as a superhuman"

I couldn't look at the man in his eyes, whenever I do so I feel like he can see through my mind and thoughts.

"your father was killed by the humans"

"he was a devil"

"Just like you... if the humans find out who you really are, you think they will spare you?"

The man got me thinking for a while. When he saw that I will not reply him he continued

"If you side with humans, they will break through your dungeon, destroy the core and both you and the lady you saw earlier will die. Well, if you side with your dungeon, you will be the strongest human on Earth" the man said and disappeared.

An invisible force forced me into the crack and I had to endure the same pain again and I got to the dungeon.

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