The Attack
Black Wolf Basecamp, Mt. Elberus

The clock strikes midnight and owls howled loudly consuming the silence of the mountain. The breeze gave shivers to all the Blackwolf operatives guarding the Base camp. Two full-body armored operatives guarding the left side corner tower of the gate.

One operative, Raffy, was equipped with a long-range sniper rifle and the other was assigned with the mounted 50 cal. Heavy machine gun. Raffy had been in the Gate for years of Blackwolf service and it had frequently crossed his mind that his purpose was futile, far from the actual military service.

"I really hate to be on night shifts. It always gives me the creeps." Raffy started, emphasizing on the ‘really’. He glanced back to his comrade with only a few months in the service.

"Yeah. Me too. Not to mention, I am always sleepy especially here on top of the tower." His comrade responded.

Raffy, as a senior to his comrade, understood the slackness of operatives assigned in towers. You could get sleepy
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