103| Battle on Level One

"Lizard?" Eryk stiffened and immediately took a battle-ready stance.

The lizard summoner was just sitting relaxed on top of his giant lizard. He looked completely unaffected. And Eryk realized that the people around him noticed his strange behaviour.

"How did you get here?" hissed Eryk.

"I should ask the same question to you. Why did you choose the land of shadows as a hiding place?"

Eryk felt offended.

"Hey, look! The list of participants who passed the registration selection has been released," someone shouted while pointing at a large monitor screen in the middle of the hall.

Eryk's curiosity was bubbling up. He drew closer to the crowd and began to read the list on the monitor. All participants who passed the registration selection were placed in a different building.

Eryk saw his name written on building one, where he was currently. On that list were about 40 other summoners who were with him now. Meanwhile, Joker and Barbro are in buildings nine and three, respectively.

"Only Al
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