99 | Empty Rockwool Prison

In the Rockwool, an abandoned playground, they are lurking at the prison next to the garden.

"How do we find a summoner who guards the Rockwool gate among hundreds of other calves in prison?"

Eryk still did not believe when Joker said the gate guard hid in the Rockwool prison. The gate guard was right before Eryk's eyes all this time, but he was unaware of it. And none of them has met this person except Joker.

"He is straightforward to recognize. When you meet him, you will realize that it is him!" Joker exclaimed.

"What kind of explanation is that?" grumbled Alyssa. "You don't help at all. Your explanation needs to be more specific. Can you describe this person? Is he a boy or a girl? What is the shape of his body or face? And... who's his name?" Alyssa almost screamed, frustrated.

"He has many names. Even though you mention one of the names, not everyone will understand. Everyone will know him by a different name. As for matters of appearance, he is the same as the name. He has many
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