Chapter 34: They've Arrived

"What a Tragedy,"

"This place has turned into more than just a battlefield."

"Yeah, we rather kill the ones that are strong and leave the weak ones to the Hashiras and Shiras,"

"Look over there! Kuro and Kage Rigakure... Wait, Kuro? How can she be here?"

"Hmph? She's back? No, that can't be it, she only has a limited amount of time and it's decreasing,"

Five unknowns said in surprise. They were standing on top of the giant wall that is barely standing. They were calm and wearing a demon masks. They all raised their heads and see the Sun slowly rising to the sky. The light begins to show.

"It's the morning... We should finish this before more else arrived,"

"Yeah, we should rip their heads off from their body from killing countless humans and consuming a Hashira's body for their benefit."

"Lead, I'm taking the front line towards the Dark King, I'll tear him apart,"

"Okay, be careful on the way... You're alone... This village is big we don't have a choice but to send clones to the oth
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