Worshipper Arc. Chapter 13: A new Friendship
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 13. A New Friendship.

Valoran and the others' only path is blocked by thousands and thousands of Arachantors.

“Now we see why this path smells like death.” Says Aleister.

“All these adventurers who were unlucky to wander on this path have been met with a terrible fate” Cera states.

Egor is standing in front with his giant sword in hand to protect the rest as a shield.

Tiara looks at everyone and does something that she has never done before… She does not hide behind the others; she stands beside them ready for the oncoming attack, despite her obvious fear.

“I will no longer hide…I can also fight these things” She says with a mixture of determination and confidence.

“Seems like she gained some confidence. Impressive” Valoran thinks to himself.

Sage and Alesia also raise their arms with sword in hand.

Cera points the tip of her staff on the Arachantors and casts izaru (fire elemental magic).

The flames burn hundreds of Arachnators to ashes.

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