Tribute To The Past

After leaving Nathan behind, Rikugan arrived at the part of the village that was being attacked. The area was ravaged and left in a deplorable state. Houses, shops, and other buildings were now piles of wood scattered across the streets. Flames flickered and smoke danced its way up into the air.

However, the fighting had already seemed to stop. The only thing in sight was destruction and bodies of the injured and the dead. This was strange to Rikugan given that he could still sense the Spirit Energies of those who had attacked the village.

"Grandpa!" Shouted Evan who had finally arrived with Ava. "Why are you just standing around?! Some of the villages are still alive! We need to help them!"

"Wait, both of you! Don't move!" Warned Rikugan.

"Huh..? Is something wrong?" Inquired Ava.

Rikugan didn't answer. Instead, he peered his eyes before him as if someone was there.

"I won't fall for such a cheap trick! I know you're there! Save me the trouble and show yourselves!" Shouted Rikugan.

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