Chapter 244

Arwin and his men arrived at the antechamber of the emperor’s room. They all looked at the door ornamented with the symbol that was the shield of the empire on the doorknobs while they breathed deeply. Arwin said, “Once we go in, probably if we find opposition, they have to be careful and attack firmly. We don’t know what’s in store for us!”

But that was not entirely true, and she had a clear notion of what was waiting for her behind that door. Seeing her companions before entering, she said, “Listen, if there are any black knights entering behind this door, I want you to retreat immediately… if you stay, you will die!”

One of the soldiers saw her and said, “We will not retreat. If we even die, we have to make sure to make your mission easier, and if the black knights are behind this door, then we will have to face them, that’s all!”

She smiled, the support of her men always lovely, and kicking the door hard, she had a split second to see the formation in front of her.

Four soldiers a
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