Golden Sun

 Early in the morning, the sun is golden.  The atmosphere in the city of Alchem ​​feels so quiet and calm.  Several flying cars cruised slowly and not as crowded as usual. There are also a few land vehicles.  Its people seem to walk carefully through the empty city streets, as if they are searching for something missing.  Some of them stopped in front of government buildings, observing every activity closely. However, all they saw was emptiness.

 At that time, a loud noise was heard from a large screen of digital audio-visual media installed on the city's main street.  The townspeople of Alchem ​​flocked to him, curious about what was going on.

 "Society of Alchem, this is important news!"  came the reporter's voice on the big screen. "Azazel's army has left this city. There are no longer any of their troops in the streets or guard posts. We have been freed from their oppression!"

 The townspeople of Alchem ​​fell silent, shocked and moved by the news.  They looked at each other, unable to believe what they were hearing.

 "But who has driven away Azazel's army?"  boisterous people whispered with curiosity.

 "The news we received is that the Dark Wolf army has succeeded in defeating Azazel and taking over the government of this city!"  continued the reporter on the screen. "They are liberating the land from Azazel's rule and fighting for the liberation of the people!"

 The townspeople of Alchem ​​were relieved, they felt like a huge burden had been lifted from their shoulders.  However, they also felt confused and scared about what would happen next.

 Several teams of reporters from the mass media and news agencies mingled with the Alchem ​​people to take pictures and seek further information about the crime.

 Meanwhile in a house in a village on the outskirts of Alchem, Rizal's father and mother sat in their living room, watching the news broadcast on the big screen in front of them.  The atmosphere in the room was so quiet, only the sound of reporters talking could be heard.

 "In a surprising piece of news, we have reports that the city of Alchem ​​has been freed from the control of Azazel's army," said the reporter in a serious tone.  "There is no more Azazel government activity there, and this city seems empty of government."

 Rizal's father and mother looked at each other, unable to believe the news.  They knew very well that Azazel's army was a very powerful force and difficult to beat.  However, if the news is true, it will be very important news for people's freedom.

 "Who kicked them out?"  Rizal's father muttered curiously.

 "According to the report, the Dark Wolf army defeated Azazel's army and took over the government of our city," said the reporter on the screen.

 Hearing that, Rizal's mother was surprised.  "Black Wolves? Those who always fight for freedom and justice?"

 Rizal's father nodded.  "They have always fought for freedom and justice. If this news is true, then this is a big victory for them."

 "Of course," said Ibu Rizal with a proud smile on her face.  "They always fought tenaciously and tirelessly."

 Rizal's father and mother looked at each other with emotion and pride.  They knew very well how hard the Dark Wolves had struggled to expel Azazel's army from the city of Alchem.  However, they also know that their struggle is not over.

 "Let's pray for the safety of the Black Wolves and the freedom of the people," Rizal's father said firmly.

 Rizal's mother nodded, and they contemplated together in silence, keeping their eyes on the news broadcast showing the great victory that the Black Wolves had just achieved.

 At about the same time, Several people gathered in a small cafe on the outskirts of town, enjoying a cup of coffee at their table.  Among them, there was a middle aged man who attracted attention with his eloquent style and broad insight.

 "They must have been shocked when they saw Azazel's army defeated," the man said as he lifted his coffee cup to his mouth commenting on the news on the small screen in the cafe.

 "Who saw the battle?"  asked a woman sitting next to him.

 “I saw the Dark Wolf Army, fighting it out against Azazel's army convoy that was on its way to Xyrel city,” the man replied calmly.

 "How did you see that?"  someone asked.

 "Last night I had a business trip to the city of Xyrel, I was planning to stay there, but at around nine in the evening there was suddenly a lot of tension and rioting, I'm not sure what it was about," the middle-aged man sipped his coffee again.  "Towards midnight there was a battle in the building of the government center of the city of Xyrel, I saw it from the hotel where I was staying, I think everyone saw it, because I was worried I decided to return to Alchem ​​that very night," he stared at the people in the cafe who looked  seriously listen to it. "On my way back here, I saw the great battle on the border between the cities of Alxhem and Xyrel, I saw the flags of Azazel's army and the flags of the Dark Wolves, amidst sparks, popping sounds, and terrible screams."

 "They're going to take over the city government of Alchem?"  asked a man sitting to his right.

 "Yeah, that's right," the man replied, nodding.  "And rumor has it that this city will be completely cleansed from the reign of Azazel's army."

 The few people around them took deep breaths.  They were shocked by this news and started talking to each other about what would happen next.

 "Maybe this will change everything," the man said with a smile.  "We don't know what will happen, but for sure, the future of Alchem ​​city will be very different from before."

 Several people nodded in agreement, while others looked somewhat skeptical.  However, all of them agreed that this event was the beginning of a big change in their city.

 One of them suddenly stood up and stared out of the cafe dumbfounded.  The middle-aged man who saw that also looked out. Everyone then looked out of the cafe.  You can see a convoy of futuristic vehicles of various types speeding along the main street of the city of Alchem.

 Rizal and Maya led 300 members of the Dark Wolves into the city of Alchem ​​that golden morning.

 Rizal glanced right and left, there was no sign of soldiers from Azazel's army.  Haya residents who were gathered in confusion and emotion looked at the convoy led by Rizal and Maya.  The city was empty from the reign of Azazel's army. "What's going on here?" muttered Rizal.

 Maya shook her head.  "I don't know. Maybe they retreated to another place after Azazel's troops led by Ghotar were paralyzed by Ms. Anisa and her troops."

 "Maybe," said Rizal as he ordered the members of the Dark Wolves to check every corner of the city.  "We must take over the governance of this city before Azazel's army returns."

 The convoy of 300 Black Wolf troops in various types of vehicles entered the central square of Kuningan City and stopped in front of the Alchem ​​City Government building.

 In front of the government building, Rizal and Maya stood facing the members of the Dark Wolves.  "This is a place we have to take over," Rizal said, pointing towards the building. "We must bring democracy and justice to the people of Alchem ​​city."

 The members of the Black Wolves cheered in agreement.  They forced open the door and entered the government building.  Inside, they find a room full of documents and files. Rizal checked every available document, finding out the policies and decisions made by Azazel's army.

 Not long after, a voice came from outside the building.  Rizal and Maya took their weapons and went out into the yard.  The people of Alchem ​​town gathered outside the government building, with confused and scared looks on their faces.  The journalists and reporters dared to take important moments in the event.

 "Brethren," said Rizal, raising his hand.  "We came here to help you. Azazel's army has left this city, and we are taking over the governance of this city to ensure that all of you can live in peace and justice."

 The townspeople of Alchem ​​cheered and showed their support for the Dark Wolf.  They welcomed the changes that were about to take place in their city.

 Ibu Siti cried with joy when she saw her son on the screen addressing the people of Alchem ​​in the city center.  "Rizal, oh my son, you're all right!" he said in a trembling voice.

 Mr. Ahmad embraced his wife and smiled expectantly.  "Look at him, he looks healthy and strong. We don't have to worry anymore."

 While continuing to stare at the screen, they saw Rizal giving a charismatic speech.  Rizal's firm and confident voice made their hearts flutter with pride. Siti's mother cried while patting her chest and praising her child.  "My son has grown into a great leader!"

 Mr. Ahmad just smiled and nodded in agreement.  "He really inspired us all. I am so proud of my son."

 With teary eyes, they listened to every word spoken by Rizal, who gloriously presided over the city of Alchem.  The father and mother feel touched and grateful that their child has achieved something extraordinary and they feel proud of the achievements their child has achieved.


 Towards noon in the government building of Alchem ​​city, the Black Wolves group gathered in an empty room in the building that had been abandoned by Azazel's troops after being defeated by the Dark Wolves group led by Anisa's mother.

 Rizal chaired the meeting, while Maya, Oki, Fida, and the members of the Dark Wolves sat around a long table.  On the table, there was a map of the city of Alchem ​​which had been surrounded by things like colored pencils and lined paper.

 "Our mission now is to return the city of Alchem ​​to the hands of the people," said Rizal firmly.

 "How to?"  asked Fida.

 Rizal pondered for a moment before answering, "First, we must restore a good government system and eradicate the corruption that exists within it."

 "Now, how are we supposed to do that?"  asked Maya.

 Oki continued, "We must build a transparent system and provide opportunities for the people to have access to information and be involved in decision-making."

 "Now, let's look at this city from an infrastructure standpoint. What can we improve?"  asked Rizal while pointing to the map of Alchem ​​city.

 Fida replied, "We can repair damaged roads and build adequate public facilities such as parks and children's playgrounds."

 "Very good," said Rizal.  "We also have to develop the economic sector of the city of Alchem, so that it can improve the welfare of its people."

 "That's right," said Maya.  "We can build an environmentally friendly industry and open up job opportunities for the community."

 The meeting went on for several hours and they finally succeeded in drawing up a comprehensive and well-structured plan for the re-management of Alchem ​​city.

 After the meeting was over, they stood up and shook hands with a high sense of togetherness and trust.  Rizal then assigned Fida to make detailed plans for the results of the meeting, and assigned Oki to coordinate all members of the Black Wolf who were with him and ensure that they carried out their duties properly and sided with the people.

 "Me and Maya will visit my parents' house this afternoon. I believe in you. Treat them well," said Rizal to Fida and Oki.

 Fida and Oki nodded, then left the room with several other Black Wolf members who attended the meeting.


 The sun was almost setting when Rizal and Maya finally arrived in front of Rizal's parents' house.  Rizal felt his heartbeat speed up, while Maya tried to encourage her lover by smiling sweetly.

 "No need to be nervous, Rizal. Everything will be fine," said Maya affectionately.

 Rizal breathed a sigh of relief and took Maya's hand, then they walked towards the front door of the house.  When the door opened, they were greeted by the faces of Rizal's father and mother who were full of happiness and emotion.

 "Father, Mother, I'm home," said Rizal with a smile on his face.

 "I miss you so much, son," Rizal's mother said, hugging Rizal tightly.

 Rizal's father also embraced his son.  "We really worry and miss you son. How are you? Are you all right?"

 "I'm fine, Father. This is Maya, she brought me home," said Rizal, pointing at Maya.

 Rizal's father and mother greeted Maya with warm smiles and gave hugs.  "Nice to meet you, Maya," said Ibu Rizal.

 "I'm also happy to meet you, Bu Siti and Pak Ahmad," Maya said politely.

 They then entered the house, and Rizal and Maya were presented with the smell of cooking that stung their noses.  Rizal took a deep breath, missing the smell of his mother's delicious cooking.

 "The aroma of Mother's cooking is still the same as before," said Rizal.

 Rizal's mother laughed.  "Of course son. I always try to make good food for the family," he said with a smile.

 After turning on the lights, they headed to the dining table.  Amidst the excitement of meeting again, things got a little awkward.  No one knows how to start a chat after a long time of not seeing each other.

 "I miss your cooking, Mother. What have you prepared today?"  asked Rizal trying to break the silence.

 "This time I made fried chicken with sambal matah, tamarind vegetables, and mixed ice," Rizal answered with a smile.

 They then enjoy the delicious dish.  The atmosphere around the table was warm and intimate, dotted with small talk and genuine laughter.  Rizal recounts his experiences over the last three months, from meeting the mysterious Maya to learning magic from Abdiel, then being trusted by Ibu Anisa: the leader of the Black Wolves, and Maya enthusiastically participating in the conversation.

 "I'm glad you've taken care of Rizal, Maya," said Rizal's mother affectionately.

 "Thank you, Mrs. Siti. I am also happy to meet you and Pak Ahmad," said Maya politely.

 Suddenly, Rizal's father looked sharply at his son.  "Rizal, father and mother have important news for you," he said seriously.

 Rizal looked at his father in surprise.  "What's the matter, dad?" asked Rizal.

 "Mom and I are very proud of you, son. We saw you appear on television to lead the city of Alchem. We are touched and very proud of you," said Rizal's father, smiling.

 Rizal was shocked.  "I didn't expect Alan to be like this, father," said Rizal.

 "We saw you on television, your dream to free Alcem from the injustice of Azazel's forces has come true, son," said Rizal's mother.

 Rizal felt very proud and happy to hear that.  He felt he had received an extraordinary gift and succeeded in making his parents feel proud of him.

 "Really, I didn't think that my father and mother knew about it. I'm very grateful to be able to make my father and mother proud of me," said Rizal, smiling.

 "It is our duty as parents to always support our children. And you, Rizal, are a child we are very proud of," said Rizal's father, looking at his son with pride.

 Maya saw the happiness radiating from the faces of Rizal and his family.  He felt happy and happy to be part of the family.

 As the night wore on, they all felt more and more familiar and comfortable with one another.  The conversation kept rolling, the laughter and joy never stopped flowing. Everyone feels grateful for being able to gather again and feel the warmth of family.

 Rizal felt that returning home was the right decision.  He feels happy to be in the midst of his family and loved ones.  Everything felt complete, and he knew that no matter what happened, family would always be the safest and most comfortable place to return to.

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