Chapter 28: Make me coffee.

I really don't like talking about my family because there's nothing to talk about, should I say they hate me and want me to disappear.

"Oh Chase is your Father's name, that's interesting." Mr Dominic commented.

"Do you have siblings?" Mr Dominic asked another question, I wondered why he was asking me this question today.

My relationship with my half siblings is the worst, a brat for a younger half sister and a bully for an older half brother.

Isn't that a perfect combination that would make one live in a nightmare?

"Um...well...It's complicated sir." I replied after a while of silence.

"I see." He hummed.

"But you do have siblings ,even if they are not fully related to you?" He asked me.

"Yes sir." I answered him.

"How many siblings do you have?" He asked.

"Two , an older brother and a younger sister,"I told him.

I don't know if I should even call them siblings, they are a thorn in my flesh.

"I am not close to them." I added, I didn't want him thinking I have any family that I can
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