
Logan shouted loudly and excitedly, and the expression on his face was even crazier.

He looked as if he had seen the god.

Everyone around him was scared. The beauty beside him was also shocked.

Logan did see Ryan, who was surrounded and flattered by many bosses in front of him.

His scream was loud and he was not far away, so Ryan heard him. He then looked over

and met Logan’s eyes. His eyes flashed with an unknown look. Then he moved his eyes

away and pretended not to see Logan.

Strictly speaking, he was no longer Logan’s brother-in-law because he had divorced


So he pretended not to see Logan, lest he disturb Phoebe’s life.

But Logan didn’t think so. He was sure that Ryan had seen him, but why did he pretend

not to see him? He was angry and ran over to meet Ryan.


When he passed by, he saw a lot of rich and powerful big bosses standing outside the

hotel. They seemed to be waiting for someone. He was shocked when he saw they

were waiting for hi
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