“Why do you guys always put the disciples through the same test?” The elders of the other sects kept asking the White Tiger sect this same question almost every time the Youth Games were conducted.

Jeff Dank, a Great Elder of the white tigers sect, laughed boisterously as he replied, “There’s nothing better than watching warriors pitted against wicked monsters. You either get to see them tear through the beasts, or see them ‘running’ for their lives oh-so-pathetically.”

Jeff Dank was known for his super speed. He gained his popularity for stealing the eggs from the dangerous beasts such as dragons and wyverns.

Right now, Jeff was sitting with many others who were ready to witness a great fight at one of the colosseums where Fabby, Edgar, and Kira were there.

Even after waiting for a while, nobody else came, so they entered the closed colosseum. Just the three of them.

Kira was laughing. She didn’t even care about Fabby or Edgar. She was totally fine with fighting the beasts all on her
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