What a night

Chapter 79

~~ What a night ~~

Knoxville, Dhemistaria…

Ian ran his fingers back across his silver-white hair with a sigh. He was walking down the street when he passed by a local shop at his right arm side. The shop was constructed with long sticks and tarps; it was like a makeshift tent. And since the front side wasn’t covered, Ian could clearly see what the vendor was selling. Mirrors of different sizes were arranged in rows and columns, reflecting the twilight hue of the clear moonlit sky.

What caught Ian's attention was the odd fact that he could see his reflection clearly on all the mirrors as though it was daytime. Fancied, he stopped his stroll and turned to look at the mirrors with squinted eyes. He felt it to be such a weird but yet amusing phenomenon.

He noticed his new faux hawk hairstyle with side undercuts and he smiled. It took him back to a year ago when he applied for the position of a librarian after graduation. He had to cut his hair so as to look neat before the gru
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