A Dark Thought
"I will go"

"you won't go"

"Yes, I will go"

"no, you won't go"

"Stop you two, are you kids? Moon, the water realm is not a very welcoming place at the moment, plus we might be bumping into Ming Fang." Bao fang said irritated by the two.

"Master, I'm not a child, I already know enough about the realm of water, fire, and heaven. I know the gravity of the situation, that's why I want to go too."

"For nothing, you know for nothing, you've never experienced anything very serious"

"Are you sure? Longwei, I work in the police, more precisely in the murder department. Do you know how many corpses I have seen? Do you know how many crimes I have encountered? The land of water or the earth... How different can they be? Ah, you use spiritual power, and swords, you can fly and do many things. I agree with you, you are on a different scale than us."

"If you understand, please stay home." Longwei deadpanned.

"I do understand, I really do, but I can't stay home. Longwei, Yu Bin was not only
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