Sealing Ming Fang

"So, this is your damn master? And how dare you talk like that about the rightful princess of the water kingdom?"

"What are you talking about? What princess by right? Everyone knows that the princess you're talking about killed her parents and her master. As if that wasn't enough, she also killed the prince of heaven realm. How much could that prince suffer when he was betrayed by her? The one you want to protect is a demon! Don't you get it?" Tai-Hua shouted in exasperation at Xian Chen's attitude


"Ah, yes, he was suffering, he was in pain. But not because he felt betrayed, but because he felt helpless. My dear princess, when she needed me I disappeared, poor master, if I hadn't left, she wouldn't have died. Their highness wouldn't have died if I hadn't gone that day..."

"Xian Xian, how many times should I tell you? If you hadn't left that night, you would have died then."

"I died anyway, master..."

"A-Xian... I'm sorry it's my fault..." Yu Bin said with tears in her eyes, the sadn
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