Strange ancient rune

Alex opened his eyes groggily, jumps down from his bed and staggers to the table, scoops a crystal clear water with his hands and rinsed his face, wiping away any trace of drowsiness. The rune light had not been lit, the only source of light in the room was the moonlight from the window, he looks around none of his friends were in the room. Moving to the other side of the table he sat down and ate his food which had gone cold, the cold food did not bother Alex whose mind was on a different case, he kept hearing the sound of deep growling and it seemed like the growl of a huge creature, its anger and hatred felt too real to be a dream, finally the name skyrax has become his nightmare, it was everywhere it's like it wanted to imprint it's name in his brain.

"What kind of story did that old man write, why can't I have a peaceful sleep for once", Alex cursed in anger.

"Argh!", he yelps when he felt a stinging pain at his lower back, he hurriedly removed his shirt and touched the area he f
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