the End of Time
the End of Time
Author: Limitless_boss
Chapter 1: The Beginning

Eva's PoV***

"Eva, I'm going out," my brother yelled, adjusting his shirt before looking at me.

"And where are you going at this hour?" I inquired, and he laughed at my actions before providing me with answers.

"Something urgent happened in the office and I need to go because I'm the boss," he reasoned, scratching the back of his neck.

"Office at this hour? Really? I know when you're lying," I said, rolling my eyes, knowing his actions when he's lying.

"You know me very well, we'll see each other after a while," he said, patting my head.

"I'm going to miss you," I said as I hugged him, knowing we wouldn't see each other for a long time.

"Me too, don't stay up through the night," he said, kissing my head.

"Take care and don't talk to any strange things around at this hour," I said, and he began to walk away while waving goodbye.

When I shut the door, a message appeared on my laptop.

I looked at it, and it appears that some kind of mutation is occurring in humans and that once humans have acquired the virus, they will begin to crave human flesh and blood. 

I was so completely immersed in what I have been reading that I didn't even notice my phone ring.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone and went into the kitchen to get some caramel popcorn and soda.

"Eva! Have you heard the news? The zombie apocalypse is already here!" Aze exclaimed in complete terror

When I turned on the television, I saw reports of zombies already crossing my country's borders and a worldwide zombie apocalypse.

"Yes... And?" I simply replied, and I could hear Finn's dolphin scream in the background.

"It's serious! It was all over the internet and media," Finn exclaims, and my phone instantly makes a very alarming sound stating the apocalypse situation.

"So they're now just telling this after the outbreak started? The fact that this has been happening for weeks and they've been ignoring it only shows that they would only care about themselves," I exclaimed as I turned off my television.

"Wait! What? What exactly do you know?" Jax inquired, and I eventually realized what I had just said.

"I- I mean... I read some article about it earlier," I tried to explain, hoping he'll believe me.

"I think you should stay with us just to make sure you'll be fine," Aze suggested.

"No need, I can handle myself; see ya tomorrow! Ciao!" I didn't even wait for another response and ended the call right away.

I enter my room and open my closet. I step inside my hidden room, which my brother built for some strange reason. Neon-colored notes caught my interest, and I knew straight away that my brother was there before he left.

The first note I read is the only one stuck on my watch case, and it says that I must wear the watch at all times. 

The second one was to put clothes and other gifts that he give me last year. I feel exhausted before doing anything knowing that he gave me almost a hundred gifts. I manage to put it all in a big camping bag and good thing that some of the gifts were so highly innovative that they can fit in my camping bag. I feel so tired putting my things in the camping bag and I have to put my weapons in a separate handbag. I wear the watch my brother told me to wear and bring the bags out of my hidden room.

I head to my brother's room only to find it was locked and no matter what I do, I can't open it. 

"What are you hiding from me?" I asked even though my brother is not here to answer

The watch automatically opened and blink many times but I'm not in the mood yet to check it and I'm so exhausted that I ignored it and just take a nap.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm and red lights kept blinking. It's not from my table clock, It's from the house alarm indicating that there's someone that tried to get inside the house.

"The f*ck?" I mutter and immediately head to the CCTV room only to find some zombies trying to enter the property

Realization hit me big time and fear is all that I can feel after remembering what happened 7 years ago.

My phone rang and it was Aze calling me.

"Eva! Are you okay?! We saw the panic alarm goes off" Aze immediately said after I answered the call

"Ye-yeah I'm okay," I said reaching for my laptop only to see that no one knows how the zombie apocalypse starts

"We'll be there, wait for us, Aze said assuring me

"Let's meet up on block 10,", I said and ended the call

I think I know the only person that started all this.

I started to gather my things and take a short bath before heading out of the house. I get my gun and started firing at the zombies that wanted to eat me.

I was walking around and while walking I feel a presence like someone is following me. I tried to look back but no one was there. I retrieve my gun from my pocket and take a sharp turn in one of the alleys. I stopped and when a figure come into the alley I immediately point my gun at whoever is following me. 

"I-it's me," My neighbor said and put his hands up

"I almost killed you. Why are you following me?" I asked and threaten to pull the trigger anytime

"I-I notice you were he-heading out of your ho-house and you are the o-only one in the neighborhood be-beside me that is alive" He answered stuttering

"Really? You're watching my movements?" I asked and raised a brow

"I-it's not like that!" He defensively answered and turning red

"Are you infected?" I asked and he looked at me panicking

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