Chapter 16

However, Thuy doesn’t move, no matter how I try to pull her away. She just stands next to me with her wrist laying in my hand, as if I’m trying to move a heavy stone sculpture with a useless rope.

I am so angry, screaming at her, one finger pointing at the battleship outside. “Can you see the battleship out there after all? We have to go!”

Thuy looks at me. Her coffee eyes show me her scary calmness—even in this situation—mixed with some rational confusion that I’ve just seen once at Long the genius when his sharp brain faces an unsolvable issue. Then I hear her voice, still calm, blowing out my innocent thoughts with just some simple words.

“But where can we go?”

I stop, looking back at Thuy with all the emotions, including the terror, expunged.

Oh yes.

We just, basically, have nowhere to escape.

This hallway—the only possible way here—leads to a dead end where a fierce brawl had taken place. The spaceship is also damaged badly after that fight with plenty of cracks and slashes. The
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