
The fight between Manandi and Shukar is still on. They looked at each other with sharp eyes guessing who would attack first. If Manandi attacks first, it means Shukar has to prepare for the attack. Otherwise, it means Manandi has to take the attack.

When the atmosphere was quiet, Manandi immediately ran while throwing a right-h punch. Shukar dodged by looking down then grabbed Manandi 's right hand with both hands then he wanted to throw Manandi back but couldn't. Manandi is too big and strong for Shukar not to be able to slam it down. He was the one who was slammed by Manandi to the right and hit the wall.

“A kid as small as you want to slam me? It's impossible," said Manandi.

Shukar gets up. He thought to himself that his strategy of dodging worked. But when he wanted to slam Manandi, it was beyond expectation. Because Manandi weighs much heavier than expected.

"I have to find the weak point," said Shukar in his heart.

Manandi smiled then she ran while turning her body to the right
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