05. "Rebirth: New World and System Binding"




" " Conversion or Speech,

' ' Thoughts,

[ ] System Talking.



The air in the hospital's I.C.U. ward was heavy with anticipation and worry as a well-built man in his thirties paced back and forth in the hallway, his eyes filled with anxiety. His wife was inside, undergoing a delicate procedure to bring their child into the world.

As he waited, he couldn't help but imagine the worst-case scenario, his mind racing with every possible complication. But after what seemed like an eternity, the lights in the I.C.U. ward dimmed, signaling that the procedure was over.

Heart racing, he sprinted to the door of the I.C.U. ward, eager to see his wife and child. As he entered the room, his eyes fell upon his wife, her face contorted with exhaustion, but the sound of a newborn's cries filled the room.

The relief he felt was palpable as he approached the doctor who had just finished checking on his wife and child. "Doctor, how are they? Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

The doctor smiled reassuringly. "Your wife and child are both in good condition. Your wife is just tired after the labor, but she will recover soon. Let them rest for a bit before you see them."

Taking a deep breath, the man felt the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders as he looked at his wife and newborn child. The little one was still sleeping soundly, his tiny chest rising and falling with each breath.

Overwhelmed with emotion, the man's wife turned to him and asked, "What should we name our son?" With tears in his eyes, the man looked down at his child, feeling the depth of his love and devotion for this little bundle of joy.

Together, they whispered the name 'Erick Dahl', while savoring the sound of each one as they rolled off their tongues. And as they settled on a name for their precious child, they knew that this moment would stay with them forever, a testament to the power of love and the miracle of life.


     ////// (Jak or now Erick Dahl POV) \\\\\\

'My consciousness started to return to me, and as I slowly opened my eyes, I realized that I was surrounded by darkness. It felt sticky, and I couldn't see anything, but I remembered asking for a system and a goddess sending it to me to direct my soul. If it hasn't bounded to me, it must be waiting for some sort of condition or timing.

As I was pondering over my situation, drowsiness took over me, and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I must have slept for a long time, because when I opened my eyes again, I saw a bright light shining in the distance. I instinctively started moving towards it, and as I got closer, the light became brighter, almost blinding.

I closed my eyes and then slowly opened them again to adjust to the brightness. What I saw was unexpected. A woman was holding me close to her chest, and I heard voices around me.

The man beside me was of above-average height, with brown hair, black eyes, and a charming smile. He wore formal clothes, and his presence gave off a friendly neighbourhood vibe. He is my father whose name is Jaden Dahl'.

It didn't take me long to realize that I was a baby, reincarnated into a new world. My new body was tiny, but I knew that I had plenty of techniques that could help me grow quickly without causing any harm.

But the most pressing matter at the moment was my hunger. My stomach was growling loudly, and before I knew it, a pair of perky, smooth breasts were shoved into my mouth. The taste of the heavenly nectar that flowed into my stomach was indescribable, and I felt my hunger gradually dissipating.

My mother was a beautiful woman with long silver hair that had golden tips, silvery-golden eyes, and Nordic-type skin. Her ample bosom made her look like a mature beauty. Her name is Asa Dahl'.

As I rested on her lap, I felt warm and content. But hunger struck me again, and I made a noise while pointing to my mouth with my little fingers, hoping to get my mother's attention.

And it worked. My mother immediately picked me up and offered me her milk. I drank eagerly, savoring every drop of the sweet liquid.

As I drifted off to sleep again, I realized that this new life was going to be a journey filled with ups and downs, but for now, I was content to rest in my mother's arms and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.


Next day, 

As I stared at the screen in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through my veins. 

[ Ding...System binding with host soul...

..starting process...







The screen started to display a series of notifications, signaling that the system I had requested was finally binding with my soul. The progress bar inched closer and closer to completion.


...Binding Process Complete.]

[Welcome Host, I am A TIER SYSTEM]

I couldn't help but grin with satisfaction. This was the custom system that I had requested from Goddess Yuko, and it was finally here. With this system at my disposal, I could finally live the lazy, fulfilling life that I had always dreamed of.

[ ...Ding...Host, SYSTEM functions are as follows - Status, Inventory (Temporary), Shop, A.I. Connectivity (With the calculation equals to quantum computer), and rest are locked (Condition required).]

[Note: Whenever the Host breakthrough to the next Tier, the Host will get a random reward. So, Work Hard, Host.]

As I perused the list, my mind buzzing with the possibilities, the system offered me a tantalizing bit of information: Whenever I achieved a new Tier, I would be rewarded with something random. All I had to do was work hard.

I nodded to myself, determined to make the most of this incredible opportunity. But first, I needed to give my new companion a name. The system had promised to gather general information about the world, which would take a week at most.

Feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion washing over me, I decided to take a nap. "I'll name you when I wake up," I murmured to the system. With that, I closed my eyes and let myself drift off into slumber, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within me.





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