167. "Guardian Ilona and The Fantastical World's Diverse Races and Lands"




" " Speech,

' ' Thoughts,



"Welcome, young ones," she spoke in a voice that was both soft and melodic. "I have been expecting you."

Erick and Aashi exchanged greetings before settling onto the cushions that had been laid out for them. The woman before them exuded a sense of accomplishment, as though she had achieved great things in her life and had the love and respect of nature itself.

"Thank you, Elder, for having us," Erick said, his voice full of gratitude and admiration.

The Elder smiled warmly at the two guests before her. "So, what would you like to hear first? I will do my best to answer all of your queries, but first, let me introduce myself."

Ilona, the guardian of the small wolf tribe and priestess who oversaw the ceremonies held in the clearing, introduced herself with grace and poise. Her name carried weight and respect, and Erick and Aashi felt a pleasant warmth to be in her presence.

"I am Erick Dahl, and this is my companion, Aashi," Erick intro
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