Chapter 13: Saying Goodbye

"My village has been destroyed by vampires…"

As the woman hears that, she looks surprised. "What! Vampires… I thought that creatures wouldn't do that as they hate to gain attention."

"So you do not believe them… just like the guards."

"It's kinda hard to believe what you're saying, Liora." The woman then puts her hand on Liora's shoulder as she continues to say, "But I trust you, you're not that kind of a girl that would tell lies..."

"Thank you… I am here to quit my job. I have to pursue the vampire and kill it for the sake of my village."

"That I cannot do, you would be killed! Let the guards handle this problem…"

"The guards wouldn't do anything! I already told them and they all just laughed at me and said it wasn't real." Liora said that.

"Then, I would go there personally and smack the guards until they listen to you."

"No need to do that. I already made up my mind as I would be the one to kill the vampires," Liora said with full determination.

"You would just die! You're powerle
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