I hate life

I picked up the new and old case and went to seat down. The first case. 'Carrey Moreno, a young eighteen years old teenager who was beaten to death by her step mother. Her case was opened but closed after the father told the court his daughter died a natural death and was not maltreated at all. Now the case is being reopened again.'

I read out the second case. 'Daniel Lunch, a forty years old man who was found in his apartment with knife stabs and multiple injuries. This is a new case.'

I moved my hand across my hair, confused on what to do. I don't even know what to do now or who to meet. I can't meet that Lalisa girl as not all lawyers are allowed to enter any senior office without being invited.

I placed my head in the table thinking of what to do to save my ass. I can't even come up with an idea.

"Read the case, understand it. If it's an old file, study it. Write down everything about it, witnesses, evidence and so on. Don't miss out a single detail." one of the lawyer, wh
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