The plan


Elena, Aliyah and I sat on the bed in a circle with a pack of pizza before us and a long map. Elena explained the whole plan to us while pointing at some marked part on the map. I totally get the plan but Aliyah seems to be lost as she kept looking at the map with a quizzical look.

Noticing the look in her face, Lena folded her arms beneath her bosoms and lifted her brow in a perfect manner. "You don't understand Aliyah, do you?"

"Not my fault bruh, I am not in the line of fighting crimes or investigation." Aliyah said while fumbling with the hem of her dress.

Elena rolled her eyes and pointed at the army base in the map. "You don't have to do much work, you just help distract the soldiers in night duty at the gate while Aurora go in and get what she want."

"What? Why me? Why should I distract the soldiers? What about you?"

"They will recognize my face idiot. And besides, you are an Entertainer and this is part of your talent."

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