TRINITY: The Secret of the Old

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TRINITY: The Secret of the Old

By: Lorace OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 5 views: 722

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Behind the Cover of the Book, There's A Story. Behind the Death, There's Reason. Behind Reasons, There's a Suspect. Behind Suspects, There's A Questions. Behind such Questions, there's An Answers Behind Answers there's always a Rancor, Is it possible for impossible to be possible? There are things that can happen. But there are things that are impossible to happen. Sometimes we need to go deeper outside the reality. Everything has changed since Trinity came to that school. It's getting mysteriously creepy when she met the mysterious guy. Then a secret that will make her life in Danger and what she was destined for.

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5 chapters
Chapter One
Trinity I fix the stuff on top of my bed. I feel bad now because of what I found out earlier. Where else will my father send me? I moved school for the third time, but I don't know why and for what reason. I didn’t even have any trouble making my dad angry, and he transferred me to school right away. Why am I not used to him yet?I put my things in the big suitcase, and I didn't notice mama entering my room."Daughter...." Mom said in a sorry voice. I turned to her, her face looking sad. Maybe, mama and papa are fighting again. Maybe, mama talked to papa not to deport me to the Philippines. I felt sorry for mama because I never felt that papa loved her. Never in my life have I seen them sweet to each other; never even my half-brother Shenjie noticed it when he's here. Even my brother Jerwin and Ate Eunice too."Mama, why are you here?" I asked and smiled broadly at her. Only mama understands me, and whenever my day is terrible because of papa, she is always there and makes my ruined
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Chapter Two
I quickly closed my laptop before he could get close, knowing he was a meddler."Nothing, I just looked at something." I brightened my smile as I looked at him and stood myself up from sitting at the study table's chair, and hugged him. His haircut style still hasn’t changed. Still the clean cut with his side bang. "How's your trip?" he asked."It's good. It's perfect." I lied. Nothing will change if I say no.I sat on the side of the bed while he remained standing, seeing he did not believe what I was saying. "Then? You, Shin. How are you?" I changed the topic from me to him.He combed her hair using his hand and smiled at me. "Well, It's good. No bodyguard at all.""Weeeh?" My eyes widened, and my mouth slightly opened. How is that possible? "Yes." He nodded in a matter-of-fact tone."Yay! Not fair. Why do I have still my bodyguard?" I muttered. Papa was unfair.His face was laughing. "I don't know. Ask Papa about it."Aish, that's not fair. Do I have a bodyguard for the rest of m
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Chapter Three
Trinity I sat quietly in the back seat of the car while Shinjie was immaculately playing whatever game on his tablet. Sometimes I watched him play, but what? I don't get it. I'm not happy with shooting zombies definitely not exciting to play with."Hey, Sis. Did you receive mama's message to you?" he inquired, suddenly, his eyes still on the game."Yes," I simply answered once, leaning back in the seat and watching out the window.Mama just greeted me in the email, I wanted to call her, but because she was busy with charity work yesterday, I didn't plan anymore. I tried to call papa, yet answering my call was his hardest thing to do. Why do I forget that my father is like that? That it didn’t matter to me since I was a kid.I sigh. Suddenly my face came to be awful."I'm close to school, sis. Excited?" He glimpsed at me and saw in the reflection of the tinted glass window of the car the frown on his forehead."Why sad, you really missed Mama?" He wondered.Even if that wasn’t the rea
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Chapter Four
TrinityArriving home, I found Shinjie sitting on the living room couch, is he still playing? Is he that addicted to that game?"Hi! Sis." He raised his right hand but his eyes were focused on what he was doing. "Your friend, April Laianne Sunga, visited earlier, she said she's your friend.""As in? Did she visit here? Where is she?" I looked around."Come home, she said she will visit again on Sunday. She brought you a box of cupcakes, I put it in the refrigerator."I was disappointed. Why did she leave so quickly? "Ok," I headed to the kitchen and picked up a box there, laid it down on the kitchen table before opening. Hmmm, my favorite. My smile widened and my eyes twinkling. Chocolate cupcakes! On top of it a chocolate frosted icing with chocolate toppings. I got one right away, and bit on it, tasting the chocolate and sweetness melted on my buds."It's really delicious! Her Mama is the best at cooking cupcakes. What are the ingredients in it? Goodness it taste so goo," I moaned
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Chapter Five
I looked at myself in the mirror as I wiped the bimbo's face. I got home earlier but I didn't see my older brother and Shinjie at home. Because of what occurred this morning the class ended early. Our teacher in social science said earlier that there was a meeting so it was too early. Maybe their meeting was about what happened this morning. Still, it's said to be suicide but I don't believe it, it's probably unlikely that suicide happened. Impossible, if anyone commits that suicide why more blood? Why hold a black rose? So weird.Kristina and I went out to school earlier, she rode a tricycle while I waited for the car to pick me up. Kristina is a kind talkative jolly type, it seems like April is the difference, April is more girly than Kristina who seems boyish to me. When I came out of the bathroom I went to the laptop right away, I couldn't find any work to get rid of my boredom.What will I do? I'm so bored now. I looked at my books on the subjects next to my study table. I closed
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