The Dorm Room

As Tiberius and Kael descended further into the castle, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows upon the ancient stone walls. The dormitory lay nestled deep within the heart of the structure, its location providing a sense of safety and seclusion.

Kael could hear muffled chatter on the other side of the door, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. He had spent most of his life in the seclusion of his family's farm, homeschooled by his father and rarely interacting with other children his own age. He had no idea what to expect from his new roommates.

Tiberius raised his hand and rapped on the heavy wooden door, causing the chatter inside to die down almost immediately. After a brief moment, he pushed the door open and led Kael inside.

The room was sizeable, its space divided into several functional areas. Against one wall, four neatly made beds stood, each accompanied by a chest at its foot. Across the room, a large fireplace crackled with life, surrounded by a few cozy
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