Red Fear

Daella walked up the stairs with her face closed to the ground. She did not expect that she would encounter Percival at this tavern.

"What has he come to do here?" She wondered, climbing up the stairs. He came so close to seeing her face when she collided with him. That would have been a disaster; No one should know that she was meeting with anybody today.

As she appeared before him, her host pointed to her a place before him to sit.

"Please, princess. Sit". He said, rising to pull the little chair before her table so she could sit. After that, he returned to his own place opposite Daella.

"The entire kingdom is on the lookout for you. My father has developed sleepless nights and my brother is riding with an army to fight you. But you are here, within the sniff of our own noses, drinking and smiling as if all is well". She began, staring in his red eyes.

"But all is well". He replied. "The wine here is good. The air is nice too. And I have become more popular with the women of Meredit
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