Outer world?

After a few more steps, Kazuma and Zoukar saw a bright gleam shining through a small hole. This light suddenly delighted them since it was certain that they had found the exit from this dungeon. Their never-ending night was about to reach its conclusion.

Zoukar and Kazuma rushed to the exit and, at last, leaped out of the dungeon. The sudden gleam enshrouded their vision and almost made them blind since they spent a lot of time in darkness, and this sudden shine would strike their eyes.

Kazuma scrunched his eyes and closed them to adjust his vision for these new surroundings. He even tried to shield his eyes with his arms, but to his disappointment, they were not big enough to support him.

Even then, after a few moments, he opened his eyes and found them adapted to the flash before him. The moment his vision seemed crystal clear, he was astonished by the scene before him and even baffled to some extent.

Kazuma found him and Zoukar in a green, dark forest with a thick canopy of leaves
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