Outer Divine Appearance!

Kazuma directed the path to Zoukar towards the watery sound he heard a while ago. He hovered above the surface and flew all the way while concentrating on the sound ahead. The relieved expression on his face was evident since now Zoukar may think Kazuma was a worthwhile profit for him.

Both of them marched forward while being cautious since they could sense some slight presence of someone around peering at them. Although none of them could feel any threat from this being, they still moved alarmed.

After a few more steps, the fluid-moving sound enhanced and Kazuma's eyes widen from the picturesque scenario before his eyes. Nature's beauty captivated him since he witnessed such a scene after a long time surviving in the pitched black dungeon.

There was a small water stream glittering on the surface due to sunshine falling and reflecting back from its crystal clear water. Kazuma had never seen such a water source in his life while living back on earth.

This sort of clear water source cou
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